This method allows you to fetch a specific response to a form.


Your request data may contain the following parameters. GET or POST the object (as JSON) to

Parameter TypeScript Example Required Description
token string "YOUR_TOKEN" Required Your API Token
pretty boolean true Optional true means the response json will include white space for readability. Default is false.
response_id number 1024 Required The id of the response.

Example Request

Example Response

  "ok": true,
  "response": {
    "id": 1024,
    "parent_response_id": null,
    "pending_followup_assignees_id": [],
    "created": 1476124461658,
    "updated": 1476718837845,
    "deleted": false,
    "latest": {
      "m_completer_id": "5804f0f40ef50473af5870e6",
      "m_submitter_id": "5804f0f40ef50473af587134",
      "started_on": 1476124172467,
      "submitted_on": 1476124461356,
      "received_on": 1476357332698,
      "version": 3,
      "form_version": 1,
      "location": {
        "lon": -97.90176526248575,
        "lat": 30.302495522720506,
        "accuracy": 957
      "weather": {
        "temperature": 65,
        "icon": "wind",
        "windSpeed": 17
      "responses": {
        "nearmissfld-fieldoffice": {
          "value": {
            "values": [
          "attachments": []
        "nearmissfld-lob": {
          "value": {
            "values": [
          "attachments": []
        "nearmissfld-client": {
          "value": {
            "values": [
          "attachments": []
        "nearmissfld-misscategory": {
          "value": {
            "values": [
          "attachments": []
        "nearmissfld-workingcategory-type": {
          "value": {
            "values": [
          "attachments": []
        "nearmissfld-drivingcategory-type": {
          "value": {
            "values": [
          "attachments": []
        "nearmissfld-environmentalcategory-type": {
          "value": {
            "values": [
          "attachments": []
        "nearmissfld-bodypart": {
          "value": {
            "values": [
          "attachments": []
        "nearmissfld-severity": {
          "value": {
            "values": [
          "attachments": []
        "nearmissfld-recurrence": {
          "value": {
            "values": [
          "attachments": []
        "nearmissfld-actiontaken": {
          "value": {
            "values": [
          "attachments": [],
          "fups": [
              "id": "sk8jdfalkjwkljdfa72s",
              "open": true,
              "due": null,
              "created_on": 1557242948124,
              "updated_on": 1557242948124,
              "resolved_on": null,
              "m_observer_id": "5804f0f40ef50473af5870e6",
              "m_assigner_id": "5804f0f40ef50473af5870e6",
              "m_assignee_id": "5804f0f40ef50473af5870e6",
              "m_completer_id": null,
              "messages": [
                  "id": "5w3jdoklkjwkljdfawm9",
                  "date": 1557242948124,
                  "m_user_id": "5804f0f40ef50473af5870e6",
                  "m_reassignee_id": null,
                  "signature": null,
                  "attachments": [],
                  "notify": false,
                  "note": "Hey - can you fix this?"
        "nearmissfld-managementofhazard": {
          "value": {
            "values": []
          "attachments": []
        "nearmissfld-description": {
          "value": {
            "text": "This is a sample answer for the paragraph input 1"
          "attachments": []
        "nearmissfld-attachments": {
          "value": {
            "attachments": [
                "key": "modules/create-customer/fake-data/client/response-attachments/road-washout.jpg"
                "key": "modules/create-customer/fake-data/client/response-attachments/cracked-metal.jpg"
                "key": "modules/create-customer/fake-data/client/response-attachments/broken-pipe.jpg"
          "attachments": []
      "fups": [
          "id": "sk8jdfalkjwkljdfa72s",
          "open": true,
          "due": null,
          "created_on": 1557242948124,
          "updated_on": 1557242948124,
          "resolved_on": null,
          "m_observer_id": "5804f0f40ef50473af5870e6",
          "m_assigner_id": "5804f0f40ef50473af5870e6",
          "m_assignee_id": "5804f0f40ef50473af5870e6",
          "m_completer_id": null,
          "messages": [
              "id": "5w3jdoklkjwkljdfawm9",
              "date": 1557242948124,
              "m_user_id": "5804f0f40ef50473af5870e6",
              "m_reassignee_id": null,
              "signature": null,
              "attachments": [],
              "notify": false,
              "note": "Hey - can you fix this?"


If an error occurs, the response JSON will have ok set to false:

  "ok": false,
  "error": "token_invalid",
  "description": "The token `YOUR_TOKEN` was not found."

The error field will contain one of the following error identifiers and there may also be a description field with a more detailed explanation:

Identifier Description
api_method_not_found The requested url did not match any KPA Flex API method.
request_method_invalid The requested method was not GET or POST.
request_data_invalid The request did not include a valid JSON request object.
rate_limit_exceeded This token is exceeding its request limit.
token_missing The request did not include a token.
token_invalid The request token was invalid.
token_inactive The request token was has been deactivated.
token_permission The request token does not have write permission.
account_inactive The request token was for an account that is not active.
parameter_unexpected The request data included a parameter that is not supported.
parameter_missing The request data failed to include a parameter which was required.
parameter_invalid The request data included a parameter which had a value that is not allowed.
server_error The server encountered an internal error.
content_not_found The requested content was not found.