This method returns the details of a given form such as version number and fields.


Your request data may contain the following parameters. GET or POST the object (as JSON) to

Parameter TypeScript Example Required Description
token string "YOUR_TOKEN" Required Your API Token
pretty boolean true Optional true means the response json will include white space for readability. Default is false.
form_id number 1234 Required The id of the form.
include_versions boolean false Optional Whether to include past vesions of the form. Default is false

Example Request

Example Response

  "ok": true,
  "form": {
    "id": 1024,
    "created": 1476718836445,
    "updated": 1476721596310,
    "sequence": 1,
    "name": "Near Miss Report",
    "hidden": false,
    "description": "Report events that qualify as a near miss.",
    "score": false,
    "latest": {
      "version": 2,
      "fields": [
          "id": "nearmissfld-fieldoffice",
          "title": "Field Office",
          "shortTitle": "Office",
          "required": true,
          "type": "select",
          "description": "The field office where the event occurred.",
          "settings": {
            "style": "select",
            "sourceId": "field-offices",
            "multiple": false
          "id": "nearmissfld-lob",
          "title": "Line of Business",
          "shortTitle": "Line of Business",
          "required": true,
          "type": "select",
          "description": "The relevant line of business for the event.",
          "settings": {
            "style": "select",
            "sourceId": "lines-of-business",
            "multiple": false
          "id": "nearmissfld-client",
          "title": "Company",
          "shortTitle": "Company",
          "required": true,
          "type": "select",
          "description": "The associted company for the event.",
          "settings": {
            "style": "select",
            "sourceId": "clients",
            "multiple": false
          "id": "nearmissfld-misscategory",
          "title": "Category",
          "shortTitle": "Category",
          "required": true,
          "type": "select",
          "description": "Choose one of the categories that the event falls under.",
          "pdfColumnName": "Category",
          "settings": {
            "style": "list",
            "multiple": false,
            "items": [
                "label": "Working",
                "value": "working"
                "label": "Driving",
                "value": "driving"
                "label": "Environmental",
                "value": "environmental"
          "id": "nearmissfld-workingcategory-type",
          "title": "Working Category",
          "shortTitle": "Working Category",
          "required": true,
          "type": "select",
          "pdfColumnName": "Sub Category",
          "description": "Choose one of the sub-categories that the event falls under.",
          "settings": {
            "style": "select",
            "multiple": false,
            "items": [
                "label": "Awareness",
                "value": "awareness"
                "label": "Unsafe Action",
                "value": "unsafe-action"
                "label": "Unsafe/Defective Equipment",
                "value": "unsafe-defective-equipment"
                "label": "Failure to Secure",
                "value": "failure-to-secure"
                "label": "Working on Live Equipment",
                "value": "live-equipment"
                "label": "Unsafe Position",
                "value": "unsafe-position"
                "label": "Walking/Working Surface",
                "value": "walk-work-surface"
                "label": "Trenching/Shoring",
                "value": "trenching-shoring"
                "label": "Bites/Stings",
                "value": "bites-stings"
                "label": "Housekeeping",
                "value": "housekeeping"
                "label": "Failure to Use PPE",
                "value": "fail-to-use-ppe"
                "label": "Improper Tool",
                "value": "improper-tool"
          "showif": {
            "data": {
              "fieldId": "nearmissfld-misscategory",
              "settings": {
                "values": [
          "id": "nearmissfld-drivingcategory-type",
          "title": "Driving Category",
          "shortTitle": "Driving Category",
          "required": true,
          "type": "select",
          "description": "Choose one of the sub-categories that the event falls under.",
          "pdfColumnName": "Sub Category",
          "settings": {
            "style": "select",
            "multiple": false,
            "items": [
                "label": "Failure to Yield",
                "value": "failure-to-yield"
                "label": "Animal",
                "value": "animal"
                "label": "Pedestrian",
                "value": "pedestrian"
                "label": "Lane Change",
                "value": "lane-change"
                "label": "Improper Passing",
                "value": "improper-passing"
                "label": "Improper Following",
                "value": "improper-following"
                "label": "Unsafe/Defective Vehicle",
                "value": "unsafe-defective-vehicle"
                "label": "Unsafe Speed",
                "value": "unsafe-speed"
                "label": "Harsh Acceleration/Deceleration",
                "value": "harsh-accel-decel"
                "label": "Parking",
                "value": "parking"
                "label": "Load not Secure",
                "value": "load-not-secure"
                "label": "Awareness/Attitude",
                "value": "awareness-attitude"
                "label": "Backing",
                "value": "backing"
                "label": "Improper Turning",
                "value": "improper-turning"
                "label": "Unsafe Road Conditions",
                "value": "unsafe-road-conditions"
          "showif": {
            "data": {
              "fieldId": "nearmissfld-misscategory",
              "settings": {
                "values": [
          "id": "nearmissfld-environmentalcategory-type",
          "title": "Environmental Category",
          "shortTitle": "Environmental Category",
          "required": true,
          "type": "select",
          "description": "Choose one of the sub-categories that the event falls under.",
          "pdfColumnName": "Sub Category",
          "settings": {
            "style": "select",
            "multiple": false,
            "items": [
                "label": "Spill Release",
                "value": "spill-release"
                "label": "Unsafe/Defective Equipment/Machinery",
                "value": "unsafe-def-equip-machine"
                "label": "Improper Containment",
                "value": "improper-containment"
                "label": "Improper Layout",
                "value": "improper-layout"
                "label": "Airborne",
                "value": "airborne"
                "label": "Failure to Secure",
                "value": "failure-to-secure"
                "label": "Unsafe Action",
                "value": "unsafe-action"
                "label": "Inadequate Supplies",
                "value": "inadequate-supplies"
          "showif": {
            "data": {
              "fieldId": "nearmissfld-misscategory",
              "settings": {
                "values": [
          "id": "nearmissfld-bodypart",
          "title": "Body Part Potentially Affected",
          "shortTitle": "Body Part",
          "required": false,
          "type": "select",
          "description": "Choose which body part(s) would have been affected.",
          "settings": {
            "style": "select",
            "multiple": true,
            "items": [
                "label": "Head/Face",
                "value": "head-face"
                "label": "Eye",
                "value": "eye"
                "label": "Neck/Throat",
                "value": "neck-throat"
                "label": "Shoulder/Arm",
                "value": "shoulder-arm"
                "label": "Hand/Finger",
                "value": "hand-finger"
                "label": "Back",
                "value": "back"
                "label": "Knee/Leg",
                "value": "knee-leg"
                "label": "Foot/Toe",
                "value": "foot-toe"
                "label": "Body Systems",
                "value": "body-systems"
          "id": "nearmissfld-severity",
          "title": "Severity",
          "shortTitle": "Severity",
          "required": true,
          "type": "select",
          "description": "Choose the severity of the near miss.",
          "settings": {
            "style": "list",
            "multiple": false,
            "items": [
                "label": "Low",
                "value": "low"
                "label": "Medium",
                "value": "medium"
                "label": "High",
                "value": "high"
                "label": "Critical",
                "value": "critical"
          "id": "nearmissfld-recurrence",
          "title": "Probability of Recurrence",
          "shortTitle": "Recurrence",
          "required": true,
          "type": "select",
          "description": "Choose the probability that the situation will happen again.",
          "settings": {
            "style": "list",
            "multiple": false,
            "items": [
                "label": "Rare",
                "value": "rare"
                "label": "Random",
                "value": "random"
                "label": "Frequent",
                "value": "frequent"
                "label": "Accepted Risk",
                "value": "accepted"
          "id": "nearmissfld-actiontaken",
          "title": "Action Taken for Hazard",
          "shortTitle": "Action",
          "required": false,
          "type": "select",
          "description": "Choose the type of action that was taken.",
          "settings": {
            "style": "list",
            "multiple": false,
            "items": [
                "label": "Stop Work",
                "value": "stop-work"
                "label": "Communication",
                "value": "communication"
                "label": "Immediate Change",
                "value": "immediate-change"
                "label": "Gradual Change",
                "value": "gradual-change"
          "id": "nearmissfld-managementofhazard",
          "title": "Management of Hazard",
          "shortTitle": "Managment",
          "required": false,
          "type": "select",
          "description": "Choose the type of management for the hazard.",
          "settings": {
            "style": "list",
            "multiple": false,
            "items": [
                "label": "Eliminate",
                "value": "eliminate",
                "score": null
                "label": "Control",
                "value": "control",
                "score": null
                "label": "Protect",
                "value": "protect",
                "score": null
                "label": "Accept",
                "value": "accept",
                "score": null
            "scan": false,
            "sourceId": "",
            "previewId": "",
            "defaultIds": [],
            "tags": [],
            "showAllOnOutput": false
          "hideMoreButton": false,
          "hideOutputs": false,
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          "hideVoid": true,
          "hidden": false,
          "rememberValue": false,
          "pdfColumnName": "Management"
          "id": "nearmissfld-description",
          "title": "Description of Incident",
          "shortTitle": "Description",
          "required": true,
          "type": "text",
          "description": "Please describe the incident in full detail.",
          "pdfColumnName": "Note",
          "settings": {
            "texttype": "multiline"
          "id": "nearmissfld-attachments",
          "title": "Attach Photos",
          "shortTitle": "Photos",
          "required": false,
          "type": "attachments",
          "description": "Please upload any related attachments.",
          "pdfColumnName": "Attachments",
          "settings": {}
      "created": 1476721596311


If an error occurs, the response JSON will have ok set to false:

  "ok": false,
  "error": "token_invalid",
  "description": "The token `YOUR_TOKEN` was not found."

The error field will contain one of the following error identifiers and there may also be a description field with a more detailed explanation:

Identifier Description
api_method_not_found The requested url did not match any KPA Flex API method.
request_method_invalid The requested method was not GET or POST.
request_data_invalid The request did not include a valid JSON request object.
rate_limit_exceeded This token is exceeding its request limit.
token_missing The request did not include a token.
token_invalid The request token was invalid.
token_inactive The request token was has been deactivated.
token_permission The request token does not have write permission.
account_inactive The request token was for an account that is not active.
parameter_unexpected The request data included a parameter that is not supported.
parameter_missing The request data failed to include a parameter which was required.
parameter_invalid The request data included a parameter which had a value that is not allowed.
server_error The server encountered an internal error.
content_not_found The requested content was not found.